• Diario Digital | viernes, 10 de mayo de 2024
  • Actualizado 07:44

Curiosidades - Australia

FOTOS: Una famosa youtuber deja la civilización para vivir “desnuda en la jungla”

Famosa 'youtuber' australiana pasa un año en la selva suramericana sin maquillaje, champú ni ropa.

FOTOS: Una famosa youtuber deja la civilización para vivir “desnuda en la jungla”

Freelee, una 'youtuber' australiana de Queensland que promueve ideas veganas, ha ahorrado miles de dólares en tratamientos de belleza durante el año que ha vivido "fuera de radares" en la selva suramericana, informa el diario Daily Mail. 

La bloguera vegana, de 37 años, ha huido de la "civilización occidental" con su pareja para librarse de "la vida de esclava" que llevaba trabajando cinco días a la semana.

"Quería inspirarme y sentir algo significativo todos los días", relató Freelee.


Lately I go days without looking in the mirror even once, and I find it incredibly freeing. This was definitely not always the case. As a young woman I became obsessed with my reflection. I would spend hours a day analysing and comparing. Was it because I was vain? Because I thought I was too perfect for this world? On the contrary, I saw a face filled with 'imperfections'. I believed the story I was told by advertisements, that I was born inadequate and in desperate need of enhancement. I saw normal human charateristics as defects to be erased or covered; to be ashamed of. I hated my skin, especially my freckles. My smile was too narrow and my teeth too crooked. My top lip too skinny. Eyes not big enough. My hair too fine. The reality is, I didn't see the real me in the mirror. I didn't see the cheeky girl who loved to explore nature for hours and play in the dirt and creeks, instead I saw the ugly lies the beauty industry fed me. I've now been many months without makeup, fake lashes, creams, treatments etc and it feels so damn liberating. Remember, you were not born flawed, you were born into a flawed system. You were designed to be wild and free, to get dirty, to love and laugh, to explore and experience this beautiful planet - not to stress over your humanness. Don't buy the lie$ #gofreeyourself

Una publicación compartida por #gofreeyourself #rawtill4 (@freelee_official) el

Ahora, la mujer pasa la mayoría de su día desnuda, "libre de ropa que restringe", come frutas y verduras que cuida ella misma, se ducha en las lluvias monzónicas y bebe de riachuelos de la selva.

La australiana publica sus fotos en Instagram y videos en YouTube, en las que aparece desnuda o cubriéndose con ropa hecha de materiales orgánicos como cáscaras de coco.


Sometimes you gotta just sit back and laugh at how bizarre it all is. Take the nipple for instance. There is currently a war being waged against the nipple, but only the female nipple of course. Women can pretty much sustain life straight from our nipples yet they are so taboo that even Barbie dolls are nipp-less. Instagram has banned the female areola, however, there is a page with close ups of both men and womens nipples @genderless_nipples and guess what? Ofcourse Instagram cannot tell the difference so the pics are allowed...🤷‍♀️I wonder whether this Matisia fruit will set off the sinful nipple detector? We can mostly thank the porn industry and puritanical religious views for this ridiculous inequality. #gofreeyourself #freethenipple

Una publicación compartida por #gofreeyourself #rawtill4 (@freelee_official) el



In my eyes you are successful in life when you have the courage to embrace who you really are, however strange or peculiar that may be. Regardless of whether it fits with societies expectations or cultural norms. Growing up I often said the wrong things, didn't have the right clothing, or the right look, and was laughed at or excluded for being "a bit weird". I never felt fully accepted. Over time I learned to keep my "uncool" thoughts to myself and adapt my appearance so others would feel comfortable being around me. This only left me feeling internally suppressed and frustrated, (certainly not free) until one day when I reached my threshold and thought - ahh fuuuck it, this is boring! And this isn't me! - From then on I decided to just let the TRUE me flow, to be my rawself, to act impulsively, to own that embarrassed look from others and to be the awkward freak I'm born to be. 😅The result? Goodbye fake friendships, hello soul mates ☀️#gofreeyourself

Una publicación compartida por #gofreeyourself #rawtill4 (@freelee_official) el



Lately I go days without looking in the mirror even once, and I find it incredibly freeing. This was definitely not always the case. As a young woman I became obsessed with my reflection. I would spend hours a day analysing and comparing. Was it because I was vain? Because I thought I was too perfect for this world? On the contrary, I saw a face filled with 'imperfections'. I believed the story I was told by advertisements, that I was born inadequate and in desperate need of enhancement. I saw normal human charateristics as defects to be erased or covered; to be ashamed of. I hated my skin, especially my freckles. My smile was too narrow and my teeth too crooked. My top lip too skinny. Eyes not big enough. My hair too fine. The reality is, I didn't see the real me in the mirror. I didn't see the cheeky girl who loved to explore nature for hours and play in the dirt and creeks, instead I saw the ugly lies the beauty industry fed me. I've now been many months without makeup, fake lashes, creams, treatments etc and it feels so damn liberating. Remember, you were not born flawed, you were born into a flawed system. You were designed to be wild and free, to get dirty, to love and laugh, to explore and experience this beautiful planet - not to stress over your humanness. Don't buy the lie$ #gofreeyourself

Una publicación compartida por #gofreeyourself #rawtill4 (@freelee_official) el
